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It is a new week and yet another gauntlet has been thrown down in the automotive world. This time the usual suspects are in the background as
Honda’s CEO declared to his design staff, that the Nissan GT-R and the Lexus LF-A will not beat the new NSX around the German Nurburgring. Were these lofty hopes or just the tip of the proverbial iceberg? With the release of this news, we had a bevy of previous silent Acura fans came out of the wood work to speak up in defense of their marque. I never knew we had so many Acura fans out there.
When purchasing a car we all look at the tangibles, interior size, trunk room, gas mileage, how many vanity mirrors, and even how many cup holders a car has. But of all of these features the one that may be most important, is rarely considered.
For some reason crashworthiness is seldom a factor in our purchase. It seems when it comes to that aspect, most of us turn a blind eye and assume we are safe. After all there are standards to protect us. But as 001 correctly points out, it really isn’t that black and white. As it turns out, there are many shades of gray, and the color you choose may be the difference between walking away from a crash, or spending months in rehab. After reading the comments you wrote, this topic will have to revisited in the near future.
With gasoline prices on the rise,
many of us are looking overseas and see a variety of far more fuel efficient models than in the U.S. Call it envy, or at least admiration, I can name more than a few I wish were available on these shores. Agent00J it seems feels the same, and gave you a chance to voice you opinion on the topic. We certainly hope the big guns overseas heard your cries for relief.
Can we ever get away from the high cost of gas? At first I would have said no, but a recent article I ran across showed me there was at least one way to avoid the high cost of gas. That is, if I am willing travel a bit.
It seems Mexico is the closest bastion of reasonably price fuel, with gasoline going for almost half the price U.S. levels. After reading that article, I ended up with a strange craving for Mexican food. How about you?